2014-03-05  来源:  浏览:4061次

场馆:苏州文化艺术中心 查看交通路线

演出时间:2014年06月14日 (单场)




《洛杉矶时报》称他“(有着)令人感动的纯净、清晰的节奏感与魔鬼般的技巧”。比利时钢琴家斯蒂文*范豪沃特以睿智沉稳的舞台风范和深厚的技巧赢得了各类奖项 的宠爱,其中包括茅里斯?勒弗朗克奖、扶轮社奖、加里奥特奖和南加州大学协奏曲比赛大奖等。2004年10月,他轻松摘得洛杉矶李斯特国际钢琴比赛桂冠, 同时赢得美国和匈牙利的大型巡演。
Hailed by the Los Angeles Times for his ‘impressive clarity, sense of structure and monster technique’, Steven Vanhauwaert has garnered a wide array of accolades, amongst which the Maurice Lefranc award, the Rotary Prize, the Galiot Prize and the USC Concerto Competition. In October 2004 he won the Grand Prize at the Los Angeles International Liszt Competition, which enabled him to tour through the US and Hungary.
斯蒂文*范豪沃特经常出现在圣莫妮卡蓝花楹音乐节、弗兰德斯音乐节、东部西拉音乐节、奥地利MusikZentral音乐节、马里布海滨音乐节、洛杉矶周 日现场音乐会、洛杉矶le Salon de Musiques音乐会、亚利桑那室内乐之友系列音乐会等音乐盛事。2010年,他首次的中国巡演在国家大剧院达到高潮,得到观众的如潮掌声和评论家的广 泛好评。
Steven Vanhauwaert has been a frequent guest in festivals such as: the Jacaranda Music Festival, the Festival of Flanders, the Eastern Sierra Music Festival, MusikZentral, the Malibu Coast Music Festival, the Sundays-at-two series, the Salastina Festival, le Salon de Musiques, the Sundays Live Series, the Arizona Friends of Chamber Music, and Euterpe, among many others.His China solo debut tour in June 2010, culminating with a debut at the renowned National Center for the Performing Arts in Beijing, was received with great critical acclaim. He was immediately offered a solo tour for the next season with performances in the prestigious Shanghai Oriental Arts Center, amongst others.


Duration: approximately 90 minutes with a 15-mins intermission
本场演出适合6岁以上人士观看。Suggested age: 6 and above


降E大调第四十九号古钢琴奏鸣曲                              海顿
Sonata in E flat major Hob XVI: 49                       Joseph Haydn
- Allegro快板
- Adagio e cantabile 如歌的慢板
- Temp di minuetto终曲,小步舞曲速度
Images, Set 1, L110                                        Claude Debussy 
- Reflets dans l'eau 水中倒影
- Hommage à Rameau向拉莫致敬
- Mouvement 运动
L'isle joyeuse                                     Claude Debussy
降D大调超技练习曲“夜曲”                             李斯特
Transcendental étude No. 11 in D-flat, "Harmonies du Soir"  Franz Liszt 
前奏曲 (七首)拉赫玛尼诺夫
Selected Preludes, Op. 23      Sergei Rachmaninoff 
- No. 1 in F-sharp minor (Largo) 广板,升F小调
- No. 2 in B-flat major (Maestoso)庄严地,降B大调
- No. 3 in D minor (Tempo di minuetto)小步舞曲速度,D小调
- No. 4 in D major (Andante cantabile)如歌的行板,D大调
- No. 5 in G minor (Allamarcia)进行曲速度,G小调
- No. 6 in E-flat major (Andante)行板,降E大调
- No. 7 in C minor (Allegro)快板,G小调

Program Subject to Change